Based on your initial exam, we will tailor your comprehensive treatment plan, including your hygiene appointments.

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Why do you need a regular dental checkup?

5 Things that happen if you avoid regular dental checkups

Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay

Plaque is created by food particles that join with bacteria to form a substance that adheres to teeth. If not removed, plaque can cause decay.

Tooth Decay

Many things can cause your teeth to get stained. This includes smoking, eating certain foods and even drinking coffee. Regular cleanings remove stains and debris.

Gum Disease

Periodontal or gum disease is a widespread problem that can have many harmful effects on your health. This is not something that occurs overnight, but usually results from long term neglect of the teeth.

Costly Dental Procedures

For example, filling a cavity is usually a fast, simple and relatively inexpensive procedure. But if you wait until you need a root canal, you will have to make multiple visits and undergo a long and painful process.

The Procedure

What will you get from our free dental checkup?

First, will make a thorough oral assessment and closely look at the following:
First, will make a thorough oral assessment and closely look at the following:
Our Services

We have your oral health covered

Preventative Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is oral care that involves education, treatment and practice of maintaining your teeth and gums.

Restorative Dentistry

Replace missing or damaged teeth. Fillings, crowns (“caps”), bridges and implants are common restorative options.

Dental Hygiene Cleaning & Dental Exams

We will evaluate the current state of your overall oral health and provide necessary service to remain as healthy as one can be.

Dental Mouthguards & Bite guards

For a common condition called bruxism which affects people of all ages and can cause headache, jaw pain and muscle soreness.

At the end of your free dental checkup

We will inform you about the benefits, risks, and costs of each necessary dental treatment as it will significantly help you make better decisions when it comes to your long-term dental and oral health.

Get a free checkup before its too late.

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